Friday, April 28, 2006

Case File: 100-3291 CHANGED

Title: MANUEL CANTOR, with alias Emanuel Cantor and Manny Cantor

Synopsis of facts: Subject inducted into the U.S. Army, left for Fort Dix, New Jersey December 26, 1942. Army serial #32484647.

Details: The following investigation was conducted by Special Agent (REDACTED) at Trenton, New Jersey. The records of Local Board #8, Mercer County, 217 East Hanover Street, Trenton, New Jersey reflected that the subject was given a physical examination on November 23, 1942. This examination further reflected that the subject had had gonorrhea but that he had been successfully treated for it. The examination further reflected that the subject was qualified for limited service only due to insufficient vision. The file reflected that the subject was transfered to the Enlisted Reserve Corps and departed for Fort Dix, New Jersey on December 26, 1942 as a private, and that his Army serial number was 32484647.

Subject was the Mercer County Secretary of the Communist Party of New Jersey up to the time of his induction in December 1942. From Confidential source (REDACTED) it was learned that BELL NORMAN, State Secretary of the Communist Party of New Jersey, received a letter on December 30, 1942 from Private MANUEL CANTOR, #32484647, Company I, 1229 R.C., Fort Dix, New Jersey.

Insomuch as this individual is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, no further investigation is being conducted by this office.


*CONFIDENTIAL INFORMANT: Confidential source (REDACTED) mentioned in the body of this report was (REDACTED), Newark Post Office, Newark, New Jersey.

Case file: 100-3291, Confidential Informant; December 2, 1942

The information designated as being obtained from Confidential Informant (REDACTED) was obtained by the Detroit Field Division through the source of a wastepaper basket investigation at the Communist Party of America headquarters in Detroit.

Case file: 100-3291, Undeveloped Leads; December 2, 1942

Will contact (REDACTED) Justice of the Peace, 428 Pilfred Avenue for information regarding the activities of CANTOR among the negros of Trenton. (It is noted that CANTOR has many negros visiting at his office at 38 Yard Ave., Trenton, N.J. and that he is presently aiding EZRA COUNTS (colored) in his candidacy for State Senator.)

(REDACTED) has indicated a desire to furnish information regarding Communist elements among the negroes in Trenton.....

Case file: 100-3291; December 2, 1942 (Cont.)

Captain THOMAS A. COONEY, Detective Bureau, Trenton, New Jersey Police Department advised that an investigation of the subject had been made by his Department at the request of (REDACTED) investigator, Special Committee on Un-American Affairs. Captain COONEY furnished the following information in a report which was made July 3, 1942:

"True name of the subject is MANUEL CANTOR. He receives mail in the name of L. EASTON, c/o Cantor. Our investigator believes Easton and Cantor are the same person.... A check of the subject's room at this address revealed that it contained no bed. Subject was followed one evening by our investigator and it was learned he had a key to the premises at 558 Perry Street, Trenton, the home of a man named Rabstein. Subject's business address is also given as 36 Yard Ave. For some unknown reason subject does not seem to want the public to know of the Perry Street address, and the evening he was trailed to this address he looked the locality over very well to make sure no one was following him before entering the premises.

"We do not have a record of this subject in our criminal files under either of the above spellings.

"Subject's room at 36 Yard Avenue was entered under a subterfuge and investigator found the room a veritable warehouse for Communistic propoganda, including books by Browder, Engle and Marks. Observed various labor condition reports in regards to employment and conditions of workers in this area.

"Contacted various persons about Trenton concerning subject's union and political activities but the only information we could obtain was that the subject is considered a very smart, learned and shrewd man. It was also learned he has meetings at his Yard Avenue practically every Saturday night that run into the early hours of Sunday morning and those attending the meetings seem to all be of Jewish extraction. Interviewed (REDACTED) and she states that the subject has quite a few negroes calling at his room."

Case file: 100-3291; December 2, 1942 (Cont.)

The files of the Newark field division reflect that subject signed the Communist Party election petitions in 1933, 1936, 1937, 1938 and 1940 and was Communist Candidate for governor of New Jersey in 1940....

The petition nominating EZRA COUNTS (colored) as a candidate on the Communist ticket for State Senator, state of New Jersey, for the November, 1942 election, was made available by (REDACTED) County Clerk, Mercer Country, Trenton, N.J. The petition reflectedc that MANUEL CANTOR was designated as campaign manager....

Subject's Selective Service file was made available by (REDACTED), assistant clerk of Local Board No. 8, Mercer County, Trenton, N.J. Questionnaire dated May 16, 1941 reflected.... he had been employed for the past two years by the Communist Party of Mercer County, Post Office Box 611, Trenton N.J. as the County secretary, doing research, education, and organization work and receiving $10 a week as his salary. The file further reflected that subject married EVA RAPSTEIN 6-22-41 at New York City. He was classified January 21, 1942 as 1-A and reported for induction on 5-21-42 but was rejected at the Reception Center at Fort Dix, N.J., because of poor vision. He was reclassified by the Board on May 22, 1942 as 1-B.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Case file: 100-3291; December 2, 1942

Title: Manuel Cantor
Character of Case: Internal Security - C, Custodial Detention

Synopsis of facts: Subject born 9-23-09 at Clifton, N.J. Graduated from high school, received B.A. degree from Columbia College. Attended New Jersey Law School three years. Employed as a stock clerk, Montclair, N.J. Plumbing Supplies Co. from 1930 to 1938; employed from 1938 to 1939 at Workers Educational Centre, Passaic, N.J.; Employed as N.J. Secretary of the Communist Party.... Subject maintains an office at 36 Yard Avenue, Trenton, N.J. where meetings are held and propoganda literature stored. Was employed at $10 per week by Communist Party, P.O. Box 611, Trenton, N.J. Subject appeared at a Lenin Memorial Meeting and took up a collection for the Communist Party. Received 1,000 copies of "MANIFESTO" in Polish from the secretary of the Party in Michigan. Cantor married Evaa Rapstein 6-22-41 at New York City. Is presently residing at 558 Perry St., Trenton, N.J.

Memorandum for the Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation; August 15, 1942

Re: Cantor, Manuel
534 East State Street
Trenton, New Jersey

It is requested that any investigative reports and other background information contained in your files relative to the matter be forwarded to the Criminal Division and that you keep the Criminal Division advised of any information received by you in the future on this case.


Wendell Berge
Assistant Attorney General

Memo to Special Agent in Charge, August 21, 1941

Newark, New Jersey
Re: Manuel Cantor
Internal Securty
Custodial Detention

Dear Sir,

For your information, I am enclosing herewith copies of a memorandum dated August 4, 1942, which was received from the Department. It is to be noted that subject has been given a dangerous classification of A-2.

A review of the Bureau file fails to reflect receipt of an investigative report from your office concering subject. You are instructed to institute an immediate investigation, and to submit a report to reach the Bureau not later than twenty days from the receipt of this communication.

Very truly yours,

John Edgar Hoover

Memorandum for Mr. J. Edgar Hoover, August 4, 1942

Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Re: Manuel Cantor
534 East State Street
Trenton, New Jersey

Classification: A-2

Set out above is the tentative dangerousness classification of the above-named individual concerning whom information has been previously submitted to this Unit by the Bureau.

This case has been referred to the Criminal Division for possible prosecution or such other actions as they deem appropriate. If further investigation is desired, a request will be made by the Criminal Division.


Lawrence M.C. Smith
Chief, Special War Policies Unit
War Division

Photostatic copy, dossier; July 23, 1942

Cantor, Manuel
with aliases: Manny, Manuel Cantor
534 East State St.
Trenton, N.J. (Res.) (11-28-41)

Cantor, Mercer County organizer of the Communist Part6y, was a speaker at a memorial meeting honoring V.I. Lenin and Abraham Lincoln, February 18, 1940, held at the Arcade in Trenton, N.J. (Daily Worker-February 16, 1940)

He worked his way through school as a truck driver, clerk, chauffer and shipping clerk. Received his A.B. in 1930, from Columbia College. Got his Bachelor of Law degree, but "had no heart for the practice of law." An intense interest in social problems, finally led him to join the Communist Party in 1934. (Daily Worker; 9/16/40; 61-7559-16-A)

He was a candidate for Governor of the State of New Jersey on the Communist Party ticket in November of 1940. (Sample Ballot - General Election 1940, Report of S.A. (REDACTED) dated 3/11/41; 100-13764-2 p.7)

He attended the one-day National Emergency convention of the Communist Party, November 16, 1940 in New York City as a delegate from the State of New Jersey. (G2-12-11,40; 61-7559-11062)

As Communist Party Secretary for Mercer County New Jersey, the subject was among those who addressed a crowd of one thousand personas at the May Day rally held in Kreuger's Auditorium, Newark, N.J. (Daily Worker, 5/3/41)

Memorandum, June 30, 1942

For Mr. Lawrence M.C. Smith
Chief, Special War Policies Unit

There is transmitted herewith a dossier showing the information presently available in the files of this bureau with respect to Manuel Cantor, with aliases, whose address is 534 East State St., Trenton.

It is recommended that this individual be considered for the custodial detention in view of the existing emergency. The information contained on the attached dossier constitutes the basis for appropriate consideration in this regard.

It should be understood, of course, that additional information may be received from time to time supplementing that already available in the Bureau's files, and as such data are received they will be made available to you so that the dossier in your possession may be supplemented thereby.

It will be greatly appreciated if you will advise this Bureau at your earliest convenience as to the decision reached in this case.

Very truly yours,

John Edgar Hoover