Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Mail Coverage Report, March 18, 1943.

Subject: CANTOR, MANUEL, Pvt.

Subject received mail from the following:

Mrs. M. Cantor, 560 Perry St., Trenton, N.J.
Morris Cantor, 305 Lexington St., Passaic, N.J., father.

Feb. 9, 1943 -- Mrs. M.C., 560 Perry St., Trenton, N.J. (wife)

"I see by the papers that the British people have again started a clamor for immediate action on the continent of Europe to supplement the brilliant advance of the Red army before Hitler has a chance for a breathing spell. It is to be hoped that this will bear fruit now, although that stinky statement by Hoover suggesting that we wait for 1944 to end the war burns me up. I think I'll write a letter to the editor of the Times on that. I was very disappointed today also to see in the Wash. Merry Go Round that the President is supposed to be unalterably opposed to the Kilgore Pepper - Tolan Bill. If that is true the bill probably won't pass and the war will be dragged on. I hope something will be done on that."

"My cousin (REDACTED) has gotten himself into an interesting mess again. Last week he was fined $400 again for operating his cab without a license. He opened up and gave the police a statement to the effect that he had paid out some $3,000 which was to get to (REDACTED) for licenses. He implicated (REDACTED), (REDACTED) and several others."

"Whereupon he was arrested on 3 charges of attempted bribery. Now I understand that (REDACTED) and some of his friends are in it and have promised that he will be protected and that it will all be used to defeat the gang in City Hall. The Trenton Times splashed it all over the front pages. A very nice smear campaign and a high government level, eh? But what can be expected from them?"

"You'll be interested to know that the case against Senator Novak has been dropped, Biddle classifying it as an error. The vote retinstating Pickens was a comfort also. It goes to show what can be accomplished when the public lets its voice be heard. If they would only shut up the Diaz Committee we'd be living practically in Utopia."