Friday, April 28, 2006

Case file: 100-3291; December 2, 1942 (Cont.)

Captain THOMAS A. COONEY, Detective Bureau, Trenton, New Jersey Police Department advised that an investigation of the subject had been made by his Department at the request of (REDACTED) investigator, Special Committee on Un-American Affairs. Captain COONEY furnished the following information in a report which was made July 3, 1942:

"True name of the subject is MANUEL CANTOR. He receives mail in the name of L. EASTON, c/o Cantor. Our investigator believes Easton and Cantor are the same person.... A check of the subject's room at this address revealed that it contained no bed. Subject was followed one evening by our investigator and it was learned he had a key to the premises at 558 Perry Street, Trenton, the home of a man named Rabstein. Subject's business address is also given as 36 Yard Ave. For some unknown reason subject does not seem to want the public to know of the Perry Street address, and the evening he was trailed to this address he looked the locality over very well to make sure no one was following him before entering the premises.

"We do not have a record of this subject in our criminal files under either of the above spellings.

"Subject's room at 36 Yard Avenue was entered under a subterfuge and investigator found the room a veritable warehouse for Communistic propoganda, including books by Browder, Engle and Marks. Observed various labor condition reports in regards to employment and conditions of workers in this area.

"Contacted various persons about Trenton concerning subject's union and political activities but the only information we could obtain was that the subject is considered a very smart, learned and shrewd man. It was also learned he has meetings at his Yard Avenue practically every Saturday night that run into the early hours of Sunday morning and those attending the meetings seem to all be of Jewish extraction. Interviewed (REDACTED) and she states that the subject has quite a few negroes calling at his room."


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