Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Memorandum, June 30, 1942

For Mr. Lawrence M.C. Smith
Chief, Special War Policies Unit

There is transmitted herewith a dossier showing the information presently available in the files of this bureau with respect to Manuel Cantor, with aliases, whose address is 534 East State St., Trenton.

It is recommended that this individual be considered for the custodial detention in view of the existing emergency. The information contained on the attached dossier constitutes the basis for appropriate consideration in this regard.

It should be understood, of course, that additional information may be received from time to time supplementing that already available in the Bureau's files, and as such data are received they will be made available to you so that the dossier in your possession may be supplemented thereby.

It will be greatly appreciated if you will advise this Bureau at your earliest convenience as to the decision reached in this case.

Very truly yours,

John Edgar Hoover


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