Thursday, January 08, 2009

Memorandum for the Officer in Charge: 31 August 1943


Subject: Manuel Cantor, Pvt.
ASN 32484647
292nd Q.M. Refg. Co.
Camp Van Dorn, Miss.

Re: Interview with (REDACTED)
Commanding Officer, 292nd QM Refg. Co.
Camp Van Dorn, Miss.

On 21 August 1943, this Agent conducted an interview with (REDACTED), Commanding Officer of the 292nd QM Refg. Co., Camp Van Dorn, Mississippi, in connection with the investigation of the Subject.

(REDACTED) had been previously interviewed relative to CANTOR, and reiterated his former statements and conclusions regarding the Subject. In (REDACTED)'s opinion, CANTOR is an outstanding soldier, above average in intelligence, and is an interesting person to hold a conversation with. During the time that CANTOR has been under (REDACTED) he has caused no trouble and is well regarded in his company.

According to (REDACTED), CANTOR at one time attempted to organize a singing club comprised of men who were interested in music in his company. This effort on the part of the Subject however, apparently met with little success due to insufficient number of men. This attempt on the part of the Subject appears to have been made purely from a personal liking for music, and with no intent to introduce any of his Communistic ideas into an organized group. Since that time, Subject has done nothing more along this line, and has given his Company Commander no reason to suspect him of ulterior motives, Subject's actions and speech have given him no reason to suspect him of being subversively inclined or disloyal to this country, according to Capt. Jones.

Alfred S. (illegible)
Agent, CIC


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