Sunday, January 04, 2009

Mail Coverage Report, March 18, 1943 (cont).

Letter 2/16/43, from (REDACTED)

Dear Manny:

I would be in Trenton before I'd write to you? Managed to get here early for a meeting on the youth org. with the Party people -- so got your address from (REDACTED) and here I am at last writing to you.

(REDACTED) who is looking fine and chipper, tells me that you wowed 'em on the rifle range -- 22 out of a possible 25! That's some shooting! I understand you are in line for a marksman medal. I know where you get that good eye and what accounts for your penetrating vision.

(REDACTED) goes to Jersey City tomorrow for his final physical. As matters look, it seems pretty certain he'll be accepted. He spent his last day officially on the job today and put in a full day's work getting a wee bit "itchy in the feet" along about 4:30 p.m. He got so impatient last night about 11:30 he went out and bought all his little items, toothpaste etc., even though he'll still have another week to arrange his personal affairs. I guess its hard just waiting around. We had a nice send off for him Saturday.

...My 4th brother was called up, leaving me the only one "out" so far, and from the looks of things it won't be long before I'll get my call. Expecting it momentarily. I have already begun to groom replacements and giving everything to make sure we have 300 more youngsters organized by May 30th. I feel we're going to do it and reach 1,000 by September.

You probably heard about (REDACTED) in New Guinea and how he led the attack to smash up Japanese pill boxes; every time they do "dirty work" (REDACTED) is sent and how his company officer commended him. It appeared in an AP dispatch. We're all mighty proud of him. You probably also learned that (REDACTED) was retained here to teach etc. While his whole unit was sent to combat duty.

... I'll cut it short with the observation that there is a growing feeling that the 2nd Front will soon be opened. Especially, when Hanson Baldwin of the N.Y. Times, who opposed it all throughout 1942, now comes out for it "immediately," "against the immediate threat of Nazism and the possible future menace of Communism" as he puts it. Interesting, eh? (REDACTED) and the baby are doing O.K. Best regards. If you can, drop me a line."


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